The 2007 Clan Dickey Family Reunion was held Sunday, June 24, 2007, at Schultz Park in Pawnee, Illinois with 79 family members and guests in attendance.
The service began at 11 a.m. Bob Dickey spoke of a time when he was called to witness to a fellow passenger on a flight home from Texas. As a Gideon, he had been praying for such an encounter. He spoke of our responsibility as Christians to take every opportunity given us to declare the Good News to others.
David Dickey and Tim Tyler, dressed in clan Dickey kilts, demonstrated some of the Celtic Games of strength, inviting family members to try their skill. Several family members took them up on their invitation. Thankfully, no one was injured.
The meal began at 12:30 with a blessing given by Bob Dickey. Everyone enjoyed a potluck meal along with delicious barbecued meat (beef, pork and turkey). Ladies of the clan provided wonderful desserts.
The business meeting began at 2:00 p.m. with a welcome to all. Barbara (Dickey) and Roger Johnson, from Minnesota, were welcomed to the reunion. Barbara and Jane (Dickey) Scheff are sisters and have researched the genealogy of the Dickey Clan discovering our relationship through Thomas West Dickey. Appreciation was expressed to all who had traveled from long distances including California, Arizona, Indiana, Missouri, Maryland, Louisiana and Minnesota.
A big thank you went to Bob, Tom and Daniel for the delicious meat they provided for the meal.
Announcements, including signing the attendance sheet, minutes of the past reunion and the treasurer’s report were taken care of. Any expenses for this year should be turned in to Nancy.
A moment of silence was held in remembrance of family members who passed on during the past year: Ada Dickey
Tom Dickey reported four foursomes participated in the Clan golf outing on Saturday. A tiebreaker between the Tom/Josh Dickey team and the Dickey/Oliver team gave the Dickey/Oliver team honors. It is hoped that another foursome will join in next year. Tee times will begin at 8 a.m. at Edgewood Golf Course. You may call the golf course directly to make your tee time, if you wish.
Angela Oliver announced approximately 40 people attended the Cousin’s party held Saturday night at Sean and Angela Oliver’s home. Barbara Johnson showed a DVD of her research on David Ballard Dickey and Lookout Baptist Church in Walker County, Georgia, which David Ballard Dickey founded. Children were able to swim and get acquainted for future cousin parties.
David Dickey reported on the recent Highland Games in Springfield where he hosted the Douglas tent. He encouraged family members to become involved. There are six or so Highland Game events throughout central Illinois each year.
Daniel reported on the website: www.clandickey.com Family members are encouraged to send pictures or articles concerning news of the family to Daniel. An auction will be held later with proceeds going to the website fund.
Deborah Tyler announced the winners of the dessert contest. First place went to Heather Zindars for her Snicker’s cookie bar. Second place went to Sally Dickey for her Blackberry cobbler.
Update on families: Each family gave an update on what has happened in their families since the last reunion, including births, graduations, awards, engagements, marriages and any other news. Among the good news was the celebration of Lou Tyler’s 90th birthday and the upcoming 90th birthday of Alma Harrison. Barbara Johnson spoke of her research concerning David Ballard Dickey and presented a copy of her research to the family. She would like a picture of David Ballard Dickey if anyone has one. Cheryl Dambacher told of a book about the families buried in Stout Cemetery. She is also looking for the location and identification of several pictures, specifically one of Grandpa Dickey’s family that sat on his bedroom dresser.
Following discussion, it was decided to continue as in the past with the 2008 family reunion at Schultz Park on the last Sunday of June. The meal will be a potluck with the meat provided by Dave and Dean Dickey. The Cousin’s Party, the Golf Outing and the “Best Dessert Contest” will continue next year.
Art and Sara Dambacher will host the cousin’s party on Saturday night. It will again be a potluck with the Dambachers providing the meat. In an effort to help cousins traveling a long distance, cousins living close are to bring several items for the meal while those living at a distance are asked to bring a dessert.
Duties for next year are:
- Reunion Coordinator: Nancy Oliver
- Meat: Dave and Dean Dickey
- Secretary: Dorothy Seppi
- Golf planner: Tom Dickey
- Photographer: Daniel Dickey
- Historian: John Dickey (of Decatur)
An auction was then held of items brought by family members. Auctioneer, Steve Dickey, was able to bring a total of $544 for support of the website. Items auctioned included: a Clan Douglas book, several Scottish tee shirts, a wooden jewelry box, Red Hat Society items, a Scottish porcelain doll, a crocheted shawl, a wall hanging and a handmade quilt of the family tree made by Diana Gotsch.
Those in attendance were:
- Renee and Nancy Oliver
- Gloria and Bob Dickey
- Terry and Connie Goodin
- Carl and Heather Zindars, Gabriella, Addison
- Claris Dickey
- Louise Tyler
- Rich and Margaret Tyler
- Patricia Johnson
- Diana and Gene Gotsch
- Gloria and Larry Becky
- Dave and Lois Dickey
- Jenny Lu Dickey
- Daniel and Paula Dickey, Seth, Nathan and Jacob
- Cheryl Dambacher
- Art and Sara Dambacher, Maggie, Anna, Dorothy
- Rebecca Reiners
- Andrew Casey and Becky McGinnis
- Melissa and Jeff Reitsma
- Beverly and Alma Harrison
- Talon and Terrin Willeford
- Deborah Tyler
- Shileka and Tyrese Jackson
- Timothy Tyler
- Dorothy Seppi
- Chris and Michelle Oliver
- Kenton Oliver, Amber, Abbie
- Steve Dickey, Mary Kate, Bridget, Matt, Colleen, and Blake Jones
- Dennis and Sally Dickey, David, Ascha
- Dean Dickey
- Sean and Angela Oliver, Chris, Bella, Claire
- Barbara and Roger Johnson
- Jane and Bob Scheff
- Tom and Bonnie Dickey, Josh and fiancée
- Art and Sue Seppi
Minutes submitted by Nancy (Dickey) Oliver