The 2008 Clan Dickey Family Reunion was held Sunday, June 29, 2008, at East Park in Auburn, Illinois with 63 family members and guests in attendance. The weather threatened and it rained sporadically, but a good time was still had by all who attended.
The day began at 11 a.m. with a message by Andy Pickens concerning the upcoming missionary trip to Ireland which he and his wife, Kathy, will be taking as part of Missions to the World. They will serve four years in Center City Dublin, Ireland. He emphasized our responsibility to serve as Christ served.
The meal began at 12:30 with a blessing given by Bob Dickey. Everyone enjoyed a potluck meal along with delicious fried chicken and ham provided by Dean and Dave Dickey. Ladies of the clan provided their special desserts.
The business meeting began at 2:00 p.m. with a welcome to all. A special guest this year was Grandma Dickey's half sister, Lena's, daughter, Harriet, and her son, Monty, from Kansas City. A big thank you went to Dean Dickey for set-up, Dean and Dave Dickey for providing the meat, and Andy Pickens for providing today's message.
Announcements, including signing the attendance sheet, minutes of the 2007 reunion and the treasurer's report were taken care of. Any expenses for this year should be turned in to Nancy.
A moment of silence was held in remembrance of family members who passed on during the past year: Alma Harrison, Wayne Pickett
Tom Dickey reported four and one half foursomes participated in the Clan golf scramble outing on Saturday. There are new champions this year: Bob Jr., Matt, Josh and Shanna Dickey. Since it is a scramble, golfers regardless of age and ability are encouraged to play. This year two players were under age 13, so players come young or older. Tee times will begin at 8 a.m. at Edgewood Golf Course.
The cousin's party was well attended Saturday night at the Dambacher farm with lots of good food on hand. A large area had been prepared in a farm building providing space for everyone to sit and visit and eat. Scott and Artie barbecued till everyone filled themselves and more. It is encouraged that anyone attends that wishes. Everyone is a cousin.
David Dickey reported on the Highland Games in Springfield. He announced that he has moved to the B Division which basically means he's not in the loser division any more! The next Highland competition will be at the Sweet Corn Festival in Chatham in July. He encouraged family members to attend. David is also working on a fun competition for next year's reunion called the Stone Put which is seeing how far one can throw a stone. This is one of many of the Highland athletic competitions and will be modified so those of us less brawny can participate.
Winners of the dessert contest were announced: First place went to Lois Dickey for her amazingly good Dump Cake. Second place to Cheryl Dambacher for her Lemon Meringue Pie
Update on families: Each family gave an update on news in their families since the last reunion. Among the family news was the birth of Bob and Gloria Dickey's grand-daughter, Ascha Dickey's travel to England as part of her college studies, Beverly Harrison's move to Arizona, Hannah and Hailey Brown's travel to National Competition in tumbling, Valerie Picken's continuing work on her gymnastic skills and upcoming selection of college, Bella Oliver chosen as Little Miss Pawnee at Pawnee Prairie Days, and Aunt Blanche's move to the St. Louis area, dealing with Denny restaurants and the recent flooding.
Following discussion, it was decided to continue as in the past with the 2009 clan Dickey reunion at Schultz Park (first choice) or East Park (second choice) on the last Sunday of June. The meal will be a potluck with the meat provided by Craig Dickey. The Cousin's Party, the Golf Outing and the "Best Dessert Contest" will continue next year.
Art and Sara Dambacher will host the cousin's party on Saturday night. In an effort to help cousins traveling a long distance, cousins living close are to bring several items for the meal while those living at a distance are asked to bring a dessert.
Duties for next year are:
- Reunion Coordinator: Nancy Oliver & Dorothy Seppi
- Meal planner: Craig Dickey
- Golf planner: Tom Dickey
- Photographer: Daniel Dickey
- Historian: Dorothy Seppi/Cheryl Dambacher
- Genealogist: John Dickey (of Decatur)
An auction was then held of items brought by family members. Auctioneer, Jim Earles, assisted by Dave Dickey, was able to bring a total of $483 from a bunch of tight Scottish clansmen. Items auctioned included: a miniature golf cart, a Longaberger basket, homemade birdhouses, handmade wooden ferris wheels, miscellaneous Scottish items, a large matted picture of the Dickey farmstead and a picture of the Dickey children and relatives, a large flower centerpiece and a bottle of wine.
The auction originally began to pay for the cost of the upkeep of the clandickey website. Since we have changed the website to a different webmaster, we no longer have unexpected or large costs. Our cost is set at $150/year. Nancy suggested that we continue the auction since it has proven to be a fun activity but use the money garnered to pay for the meat at the cousin's party and at the reunion. Nancy asked if anyone had any problem with this. There was a discussion but all agreed. She reminded everyone that they would need to participate by not only bringing items to be auctioned, but be ready to buy at auction.
Those in attendance were:- Renee and Nancy Oliver
- Kurt and Matha McGinnis
- Jim and Donna Earles
- Casey and Becky McGinnis
- Babe Seppi
- Tom and Bonnie Dickey
- Chet Jackson
- Daniel and Paula Dickey, Nathan, Jacob
- Sean and Angela Oliver, Isabella, Claire
- Dave and Lois Dickey
- Judith Cotter
- Craig Dickey
- Cheryl and Robbie Dambacher
- Dennis and Sally Dickey, David, Ascha
- Andrew
- Louise Tyler
- Blanche Monahan
- Andy and Kathy Pickens, Valerie
- Claris Dickey
- Dean Dickey
- Scott and Kathy Kincaid, Lucas
- Beverly Harrison
- Harriet Wilson
- Monty Wilson
- Sara and Artie Dambacher, Maggie, Anna, Dorothy
- Chris Oliver
- Tim and Karen Brown, Hannah, Hailey
- Bob and Gloria Dickey
- Matt and Sarah Dickey, Cooper, Carter
- Scott Dambacher, Erica
- Rob Brown
Submitted by
Nancy Oliver
July 30, 2008